Muskoka Camping - Santa’s Whispering Pines - Located beside the beautiful Muskoka River

Santa’s Whispering Pines - Located beside the beautiful Muskoka River


Santa’s Whispering Pines Campground

From the Toronto area take Hwy 400 north to Hwy 11 (just north of Barrie) Follow Hwy 11 to Bracebridge. Take the first exit to Bracebridge, which is the Hwy 118 exit. Take Hwy 118 west into Bracebridge to the first set of lights. Go straight through these lights and across the bridge. We are the first street on the left after the bridge which is Santa’s Village Rd, and it is 4 km to Santa’s Village from there.

From the North take highway 69 south to highway 169 to highway 118 then follow the signs to Santa’s Village. OR take highway 11 south to Taylor Road (first entrance into Bracebridge off Hwy 11) and then follow the signs to Santa’s Village.

Please use this postal code – P1L 1W8 – when using the Mapquest service.

Physical Address: 1624 Golden Beach Road, Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 1W8